Trichoniscus sp. “Dwarf Purple” Isopods
AKA: Costa Rican Dwarf Purple Isopod
Pronounced: (Try-con-niss-cuss)
Care Level: Easy
Special Ability: Parthenogenesis– asexual reproduction, females do not require fertilization from males.
We have Dwarf Purple Isopods for sale, captive-bred from our mother culture that was started in 2017. This popular tropical species has a variety of uses across multiple hobbies. They are used as cleaners or “Tank Janitors” for reptile terrariums and vivariums. They are also a popular feeder for small reptiles like dart frogs. This species likes to burrow deep, which adds beneficial aeration and cleaning across multiple levels of substrate. They are smaller and more active than their dwarf white cousins.
Dwarf Purple Isopod Care Sheet
Appearance and Size
Adult Size: 1-4mm
Reproductive Rate: High
This tiny species has a deep purple hue to its exoskeleton. As we mentioned before Dwarf Purple isopods are parthenogenic, meaning females are able to have young without fertilization from males. Making this species one of the most prolific species of isopods in the hobby.
Trichoniscus sp. “Dwarf Purple” Isopods Husbandry:
Temperature: 70-85°
Humidity: 80-90 %
Dwarf purple isopods like a lot of humidity, and should be misted weekly. If you live in a dry region then more misting may be required. If you have a tropical terrarium or vivarium you can put the entire culture in the habitat when received.
Isopod Container Habitat: For display, a ventilated acrylic or Glass Enclosure is recommended. An economic option is a plastic container but lacks visibility and aesthetics. This species does not require a huge amount of ventilation, vent holds can be grouped to the dry end of your breeding bin.
Dwarf Purple Isopod Diet
- Fiber-Based: Decaying Hardwood (non-pine), Leaf litter, Alder Cones, Magnolia Cones.
- Vegetable-Based: Freeze Dried Peas/Beans, Mushrooms, sweet potato
- Protein-Based: Yeast, Shrimp Meal/Pellets, Insect Frass (they love it!)
In our store, you will find Springtail Feed that is high in nutritional yeast, and our Isopod Food is a balanced recipe of Plant matter and proteins.
An important note when feeding is not to overfeed. Old food can spoil and attract fungus gnats, fruit flies, and mites.
Dwarf Purple Isopod Breeding
Females: As they reach adulthood females will have a white cavity in between their legs. Females also seem to be larger than males.
Males: Do not have a white cavity between legs.
Females do not need males to breed in this species.
When breeding it is important to check colonies as part of a weekly routine and follow the above care guide.
Natural Habitat:
The origin of Dwarf Purple isopods can be traced back to the remote jungles of Costa Rica. Today through human transmission this species can be found across Europe and North America.
Costa Rica Relative to the USA
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