Cubaris Murina
(Little Sea Pill Bug)
Cubaris Murina “Little Sea” Isopods for sale. These Isopods establish quickly in a wide range of habitats. Naturally, they are found in multiple types of habitats. This great collector species can open the door to the world of Cubaris Isopods. I often recommend anyone planning on getting into Cubaris to start with Murina. They are forgiving if the husbandry is not perfect and make a great fit for any collection.
In bioactive applications, this species performs best in Tropical setups. They are prolific and are safe as an occasional snack if you have a predator in your enclosure. Once established this species can act as a tank janitor breaking down waste and debris. This process not only saves you time in cleaning but also makes the habitat that you have created a complex ecosystem similar to the natural world.