Armadillidium klugii “Orange clown”
Pronounced: (Ar-ma-dil-lid-i-um) | ( Clue-ghee) | (Pud-ding)
Care Level: Intermediate
We have Armadillidium Klugii “Orange clown” Isopods for sale, bred from a mother culture started in 2020. Kluggi Morphs tend to be very prolific when given the right husbandry. Similar to regular clowns, but with a bright orange carapace and slightly higher breeding rate.
Appearance and Size
Adult Size: 1.5 – 1.7cm
Reproductive Rate: High
Armadillidium Klugii morphs’ coloration is a form of mimicry camouflage in order to appear deadly (which they are not). Mimicking the colors of the venomous Meteraninan Black Widow (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus)
Armadillidium Klugii “Orange clown” Care
Armadillidium Klugii “Orange Clown” Husbandry:
Temperature: 70-85
Humidity: 25-50%
Clown isopods prefer temperate conditions with moderate humidity. This species performs best with a dry side and a damp side. The middle of the enclosure should be a balance of the two levels. This species loves Magnolia pods and leaves. We always pair our isopods with springtails, the Bioactive combination makes a healthy environment that is sure to stay clean.
Isopod Container Habitat: For display, a ventilated acrylic or Glass Enclosure is recommended. An economic option is a plastic container but lacks visibility and aesthetics.
Armadillidium Klugii “Orange clown” Diet
- Fiber-Based: Decaying Hardwood (non-pine), Leaf litter, Magnolia Pods
- Vegetable-Based: Freeze Dried Peas/Beans, Mushrooms, sweet potato
- Protein-Based: Yeast, Shrimp Meal/Pellets, Insect Frass (they love it!)
In our store, you will find Springtail Feed that is high in nutritional yeast, and our Isopod Food is a balanced recipe of Plant matter and proteins.
An important note when feeding is not to overfeed. Old food can spoil and attract fungus gnats, fruit flies, and mites.
Armadillidium Klugii “Orange clown” Isopod Breeding
Females: As they reach adulthood females will have a white cavity in between their legs. Females also seem to be larger than males.
Males: Do not have a white cavity between legs.
When breeding it is important to check colonies as part of a weekly routine and follow the above care guide.
Natural Habitat:
The origin of Armadillidium Klugii spans the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Found from Croatia to Montenegro. New records are indicating sitings in Southern Albania and west Greece.
Thank you for Checking out the Armadillidium Kluggi ” Orange clown” isopods we have for sale. The Clown Isopods Care sheet.
We have spent a great deal of time gathering information the above information to enrich the Isopod’s hobby. We hope that you share this info and recommend us.
If you would like to submit information on a specific species that you think would be beneficial to the hobby please contact us on our FAQ page.
We also offer a large variety of springtails for sale. Isopods and Springtails combined together to create a bioactive terrarium which is a self-cleaning ecosystem mainly used in the reptile hobby.
The springtails we have for sale are from one of the largest and most diverse collections. We are also the largest supplier of springtails in North America at the TC INSECTS Springtail Research Laboratory in Houston Texas.
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