Land Shrimp are an amazing addition to any Terrestrial Habitat. They are a high protein feeder and they also act as an amazing cleaner crew for your tank (break down dead matter and turn it into fertile soil). I have sizes pictured. These are fairly new to the hobby and highly sought after by Dart Frog and Bioactive Enthusiast. Unlike Isopods, these can actually burrow and jump. They add much-valued oxygen to the soil keeping tanks healthy all the way to the bottom. They break down and fertilize terrarium soil turning it rich black. The plants in your terrarium will grow faster and have healthier roots.
This species is very difficult to collect. They burrow fast and when uncovered jump and then burrow again.
It’s important to note these are Amphiopods and not Isopods. Regardless they are cared for exactly like Isopods and are PET SAFE. Get yours today while supplies last!
No shipping to Florida, Alaska, Virgin Island, US territories or Hawaii